This guideline document has been compiled using the latest available resources from CDC, Massachusetts Dept of Early Education & Care (EEC), and the American Camp Association (ACA). The core of the content comes from ACA guidelines, adapted for Hockey House of Mass's specific camp situations and needs and supplemented from CDC and MA EEC and DPH sources, as applies to Hockey House camps.
This guideline will be updated as new information becomes available. It assumes that Hockey House Management has reviewed state guidance and has decided that Hockey House is allowed to operate its camp programs under the 4-phase reopening plan. Where possible and practical, this document refers to source documents to help review our standards for compliance and safety.
Hockey House has developed a robust safety plan to address the risks associated with COVID-19. Our plans follow the latest guidelines issued by the MA Dept. of Early Education and Care (EEC), the MA Dept. of Public Health (DPH), the American Camp Association (ACA), and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), where applicable. This summary provides a high-level overview of key components of our plan.
As the primary route of transmission for COVID-19 is respiratory, face masks are among the most critical components of risk reduction, with an estimated near 80% effectiveness in reducing COVID-19 transmission. Therefore, we are requiring that all campers and staff wear masks at all times during camp, both indoors and outdoors.
Physical distancing is another key practice that helps mitigate transmission of the virus. Studies suggest that keeping 3 feet apart while NOT wearing a mask results in reduction of transmission of the virus by 75%, and additional distance providing additional protection. EEC regulations specify a distance of 6 feet when not wearing a mask. Our practice in camp is to maintain a 6 ft. distance while wearing a mask, although due to the nature of teaching and camp activities, we expect some situations that bring children closer together, with masks on. We also have procedures in place for drop-off, pick-up, and other activities that create an increased risk of transmission. As instructed by the EEC, we are also separating each site into cohorts of up to 10 children, and keeping those groups completely separate.
Cleaning and disinfection is a key safety practice, and we have a robust schedule for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and items in camp that can be touched by multiple people. In addition, we’re reducing the number of shared items by giving each camper a dedicated kit of crafts materials and computer hardware for the duration of the week.
Information is power, and we’re prepared to educate and remind children and staff about best practices in face covering, cleaning, personal hygiene, and other practices via rigorous training and posters and signs at our camp facilities.
We have procedures in place for responding to suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19, including locations for isolating individuals with symptoms and informing other individuals who may have been put at risk, as well as working with the local Board of Health in their contact tracing process.